
About the Collection

The Chrominance Collection is a series of freely available MAX MSP instruments inspired by light. The goal of these instruments is to interact with ideas around public and private illumination through the medium of sound. The Instruments are focused on providing the user with a sonic playground where they can freely explore their own relationship with light without being limited by traditional music composition environments.



Overhead_Flicker is inspired by the grids of overhead lights found in commercial spaces. You've seen it a thousand times before, a grid of perfectly placed bright white lights reigns over you whilst you do your grocery shopping, when suddenly one of those lights flickers, destroying the monolithic unity of the whole experience. Inspired by this feeling, the patch gives you control over two grids of lights that interact with each other. You can control your own position within these grids and manipulate their interaction and spectral characteristics.



As you drive through the empty highways of your city at night, you notice how the lights you pass on the way create intricate and evolving beats as they fly past your windshield. Sodium_Run simulates an environment where you have total control over such a rhythmic system. You can control the vehicle's speed, the colour of the lights and many other physical parameters of the system without leaving the comfort of your laptop.



LCDs are everywhere, on your desk, in your pocket, in your bank, and every train station. If you live in a city, you probably engage with more LCDs than people in your daily life. This instrument is inspired by the technology behind Liquid Crystal Displays and allows you to perform microtonal chord passages inspired by the triadic structure of RGB arrays.



Photon_Emission gives you control over a simulated environment where you excite a cluster of 64 atoms so that they produce mesmerizing streams of photons. This instrument is heavily inspired by how photons are spontaneously emitted by atoms when they change energy states. Beyond the physics babble, you can use this instrument to create an incredible breadth of different textures that evolve infinitely over time.

Hear the Patches in action


Screen Glare

The chrominance collection has been developed specifically with the composition of this album in mind. The goal was to create instruments that would allow me to develop my own sonic language around lighting.

The album tackles the aesthetics of public and private illumination, and how light influences how we navigate through our cities